Friday, September 30, 2011

We eat the same things that we are made of, plants and animals are made of the same elects we are. The only. Difference between chemicals like pot and aspartame is the amount of time it takes to break down the body. So when you are eating genetically modified food it is just as bad as smoking pot on a daily basis. Any exposure to chemicals causes free radical to enter your body, free radicals are molecules with an extra electron. And since electrons have to have a pair they travel around your body stealing electrons from your tissue, damaging the body on a celular level. However, free radicals are also produced when we eat food, but these free radicals are constantly being neutralized by antioxidants so when you get more free radicals from chemical abuse your body can't neutrslizw them naturally.

Fats CARBS non starchy vegetables and protiens need to be eaten all in one meal. It keeps the hormones balanced and your metabolism going.
There is no fast and healthy way to lose weight. You must first heal your metabolism and when you do that it will become better at burning away extra fat.


High hormone levels always lead to diseases... High hormone levels are caused by high insulin levels which are caused by an excess amount of SUGARS AND CARBS. That can lead to what is called metabolic aging, your body no longer burns energy it just stores it as fat and, it causes your cells to replicate at a higher rate which makes you age faster.
Did you know that when doctors say that a disease is hereditary, it's really because you most likely shared the same lifestyle as that person in your family?
Anybody can ruin there metabolism, even if it is very high, and become ver very sick.

A developed hormone system necessary for a strong immune system.The hormones in our body rely on fats. Eating fats (good natural fats) is necessary for our body to survive.
Eating the right food scaly INCREASE your metabolism, if your not getting enough food your metabolism will go down hill and it is worse off for your body.
Glyocogen is the human carb, it is chained up with sugar molecules and water molecules and since water is heavy it is an innefficient form of storing energy. Fat molecules also known as triglycerides are much lighter in the body therefore it can store twice the amount of fats than carbs. That is why low calorie diets show fast results but it doesn't last.
When you don't get enough fats your body starts thinking that it is starving so it eAta away at muscle and bone mass! And it slows down your metabolism...... Adding fats into your diet is the healthiest thing you can do.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Plant healing

Today I learned that the OSHA herb has very long roots and it is very hard to get the entire thing out of the ground. When you do get thE roots out of the ground, you shake them on your leg do get off all of the excess dirt. Then, you check to see if the roots are healthy they can't have mold or anything else on it otherwise they will not be useful for medicine.the larger roots need to be split in half so that they dry better, small roots can be left alone to dry. It is best to harvest in the morning because they will be fresh with mildew and the sun hasn't had a chance to make them wilt.above ground leaves on plants are just as useful as the root, they aren't as common because they don't last as long and cant be put in wear houses. Barks should be harvested in the fall, but sometimes the bark doesn't come off as so youneedto make sure that you take the bark when it is damp before it gets a chance to dry on the tree, then you let the bark dry in a well ventilated sunny place.
There are 4 main ways that people make plant medicines: in water as infusion decoctions, as tinctures in an extended immersion in alcohol water, as salves by transferring the powder plant into an oil, or taking the plant raw either by eating the acuao root or taking it in a powder pill form.
Infusions: are made by placing the plant in either hot or cold water. Essential oil plants (very scented plants) do better when they are in cold water where as other plants do better when they are in hot water.
Decoctions: much more powerful because the water is boiled
Salves:the powder is added to beeswax and oil so it is thick and can be spread
Tinctures: the plant is added to water and it is drank to get rid of internal pains.
Raw: this is the most natural way to take plant medicine

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Plant medicine has been used since the beginning of the human race. Many indegeounous people's believe that there are places on this earth that have a direct line to the divine. They would have spiritual seekers go there and bring back a piece of the place, which was usually a plant. Stories say that the plant would speak to them and tell them that if they gave the plant direct respect, it would in turn tell them the healing powers they possessed. Now the really iinteresting part about that is they would tell them the healing powers they had for the EARTH. Not the people. But, the indigenous people would know exactly what they meant because in their eyes we are all a part of the earth... Our systems are the same. For example OSHA: (which is very common in boulder Colorado) is said to heal the cramping in the coreof the earth, it helps with stomach cramps. And there are angelicas that heal the trees( the oxygen system of the earth) so it helps lung infections. The united states is one of the only countrues that doesn't have a rich sense of culture, and a lot of us are very sick. Plant medicine really shows the connection between people and the earth
While I was watching The Buddha last night I realized how easy all of his teachings sounded. Okay have compassion towards everything, embrace that life is suffering but we have the tools to not suffer, and pay attention to everything. The concept seems so simple but once you try to practice it, sometimes it feels like it is just impossible. How can we have compassion towards everything if a lot of it/them don't have co passion for us? If life is suffering how do we not suffer? And if we do pay attention to the world and our surroundings at all times, how can we not judge people for what they are doing?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Buddha

there is no knowledge known without sacrifice, you must lose everything to gain anything
stories say that his mother had a dream before he was born, a white elephant offered the queen a white lotus flower and entered the side of his body, sages said it meant she would have a son who would either be a great ruler or an enlightened being 
10 months later a baby boy was born, 7 days later the mother died
The world is filled with pain and sorrow but we can all find a serenity
 No matter what circumstances everyone will end up losing someone hurt ill and die
Life is blissful
you are your own master, buddha just shows you the path
The buddha was born in humbini it is one of the most holy places
he who sees me so the teaching and who who sees the teaching sees me
He was born in a palace and for decades never left the palace.
His name was first siddartha
he was married to his cousin at 16
one day he goes outside and he sees an old man and he realizes everyone gets old, the next time he went out he saw a sick man and realized everyone will get sick, the next time he sees a corpse and he realizes that everyone even him will die, and finally he goes out and sees a spiritual seeker and he realizes that all of those encounters were the real state of the world
He was determined to find out the nature of suffereing so he decides to leave the palace
But his wife just gave birth to a baby boy and he realizes if he picks up the baby he will never leave, so he turnd around and left the room
When he left he was alone for the first time so he cut of his hair and went into homelsessness he was sick from his perfect world and wanted to find peace
He became a beggar and slept on the grounds of forest in the northeastern plain
He is a seeker he doesnt have a teahcer or a solution but he recognizes the problem
he joined thousands of people doing what he was doing
suffering didnt begin at birth and end at death it was never ending unless you became unlightened
he was said to have been reborn billions of times until he finally came to his final life and became the buddha
he found a guru and started to follow his practice
no matter what he did in those practices he was still suffering with the problem that he wanted to solve
he continued moving trying to figure out how to completely excape suffering
since he had experienced extreme luxury he tried extreme deprivation
He subjected his body to hardships and pain for 6 years
He had very little food no protection from the elements he slept on nails, crazy stuff to try and escape the bodys limitations
he realized that what he was doing was giving to much attention to his body which diffeated the whole purpose
Then he remembered one day when he was sitting by a river with his father looking at the insects and realized that when people plant the seeds for harest the insects homes and lives are destroyed, he was sad, but he felt compassion that everything was connected and we are all in it together.
He decided to leave that group of people and while he was walking he saw a women with a bowl of rice and all she said was here eat. Wisdom comes from other people, they can give us what they need and bring out feelings
To find the answers to his questions he would look within and trust himself
bodhia is the home place of the bohdi tree where the buddha obtained the great wisdom
he sat down under the tree and said he wouldnt move from that spot until he obtained the supreme wisdmom, just the the god of desire tried to attack him but their weapons turned into flowers and the buddha did not move. The god tried everything even seducing women but buddha did not move.
THen the god asked him how would anyone know he acually had the supreme wisdom, buddha lifted his hand and touched the ground and the earth shuddered. He said the earth is my witness.
He meditated throughout the night and he saw all his past lives flash before him.
His mind was finally at peace he said, the tree rained down flowers and the heavens shook.
At this moment all beings and i awaken together the buddha says
pay attention to who you are what you know and dont know that is nirvanna
he doesnt want to teach people what he knows but then a god comes to him and begs him to teach other people so he sets of to teach his teachngs
Dharma is the fundemental law of all things
He taught his old friends  he practiced asthetisism with how he became enlightened
He spoke out of his heart and out of experience
4 nobel truths#1 there is suffereing in the world#2suffering has a cause#3 you cant be free of suffereing you must live with desire#4he laid out the 8 fold path to enlightenment
 he opened up a place where people could go together to learn and become enlightened, for men and women, which was remerkable at the time
meditation is the only medicine for the mind

Love. Pay attention.


Bonour! J'mapelle Sierra! Comment s'appelle tu? Tres bien, merci. Zut! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quel age a tu? j'aime un mange salade et pasta! Je mere et pappa........  si vous plait? Merci. Sai la vie. coucou. Salut. Cia. A tout a l'huere. A bientot. A demail. uh deux trois quatre canq six sept huit neuf dis onze douze troize!!! J'habit a loveland!

Yoga Class

Just got back froma  yoga class... it was great! We focused a lot on backbends and i figured out that you need a really open chest to be able to do a lot of them. I also realized that when you deepen a lunge it works your quads A LOT more than if you just sit there regularly. It really opened my eyes to if you engage your muscles even in the easiest poses it makes the practice so much harder! ive always used that time to rest but now i can get benefits out of every pose.

Skin Cancer

There are two common forms of skin cancer which are: basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. (carcinomas is a cancer arising in the epithelial tissue of the skin or of the lining of the internal organs.) Then, there are melanomas, which are the most advanced form of skin cancer, 65-90% of melanoma are caused by  UV( ultraviolent light) put off by the sun.
{There are three types of UV light: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA is the most common light on the earths surface and can reach past the human skin. It has been said the UVA damages the connective tissue in human skin and increases the risk of skin cancer. UVB rays are absorbed by the ozone layer which means that they arent as coomon on the earths surface, and they dont get into the skin like UVA but, they can still be damaging after time. And, UVC rays are very dangerous but they dont reach the earths surface.}
Skin cancer that forms in melanocytes (skin cells that make pigment) is called melanoma. Skin cancer that forms in the lower part of the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) is called basal cell carcinoma. Skin cancer that forms in squamous cells (flat cells that form the surface of the skin) is called squamous cell carcinoma. Skin cancer that forms in neuroendocrine cells (cells that release hormones in response to signals from the nervous system) is called neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin. Most skin cancers form in older people on parts of the body exposed to the sun or in people who have weakened immune systems.( info found from

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum. Sometimes it is called colon cancer, for short. The colon is the large intestine or bowl, and the rectum is what connects the colon to the anus. Colorectal cancer affects men and women of all racial and ethnic groups, and is most often found in people aged 50 years or older. In the United States, it is the second leading cancer that causes the most death.

The Symptoms of Colon Cancer:
  • Blood in or on your stool (bowel movement).
  • Stomach pain, aches, or cramps that don't go away.
  • Losing weight and you don't know why.
There are healthy ways to prevent Colon Cancer, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, exercising daily, and not drinking to much alcohol. However there are some other reasons why people get Colon Cancer
: Inflamitory bowel disease, and colon cancer can be hereditary.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Documentary on Aryuveda

There is a really god documentary of this type of healing that i will be watching ASAP! It tells about how aryuveda works and how long it has been practiced etc......

Healing Arts

There are countless healing arts around the world because, there are so many different places and recources that not all of them could be the same. For example theres Aruveyda, chanting, acupuncture, meditation, herbal healing, massage, yoga, prescription drugs, nutrition.

Breast Cancer

BREAST CANCER: Breast Cancer is usually caused by tumors. There are two types of tumors: 1) A benign tumor usually stays in one part of the breast and doesn't cause problems, however, it can be the beginning sign of breast cancer. 2) Maligant tumors are the actual cancer. Breast cancer often starts out small and can't be felt but then it spreads throughout that area and can go to other parts of the body causing major health issues and even death. Common types of breast cancer are:
  • Ductal carcinoma. The most common kind of breast cancer. It begins in the cells that line the milk ducts in the breast, also called the lining of the breast ducts.
    • Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). The abnormal cancer cells are only in the lining of the milk ducts, and have not spread to other tissues in the breast.
    • Invasive ductal carcinoma. The abnormal cancer cells break through the ducts and spread into other parts of the breast tissue. Invasive cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body.
  • Lobular carcinoma. In this kind of breast cancer, the cancer cells begin in the lobes, or lobules, of the breast. Lobules are the glands that make milk.
    • Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). The cancer cells are found only in the breast lobules. Lobular carcinoma in situ, or LCIS, does not spread to other tissues.
    • Invasive lobular carcinoma. Cancer cells spread from the lobules to the breast tissues that are close by. These invasive cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body.
Facts: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in any women in the world ( age, race, etc.)
#1 killer of Hispanic Women
It is the second most common cause of death from cancer among white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women

The Reasons why
  • Getting older
  • Being younger when you first had your menstrual period.
  • Starting menopause at a later age.
  • Being older at the birth of your first child.
  • Never giving birth.
  • Not breastfeeding
  • Personal history of breast cancer or some non-cancerous breast diseases.
  • Family history of breast cancer 
  • Treatment with radiation therapy to the breast/chest.
  • Being overweight 
  • Long-term use of hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progesterone combined)
  • Having changes in the breast cancer-related genes 
  • Using birth control pills, also called oral contraceptives.
  • Drinking alcohol exsessively 
  • Not getting regular exercise

Types of excercise

  1. Exercise that improves muscle and bone strength (strength/resistance exercise);
  2. Exercise that improves joint and muscle flexibility (flexibility exercise)
  3. Exercise that improves endurance and stamina (cardiovascular - all types of aerobic exercise are in this category); and
  4. Exercise that enhances your balance and coordination.
STRENGTH/RESISTANCE TRAINING: this type of exercise improves the capability of your muscles and bones. For Example, when you are sore from moving things around the house all day it is usually because you have weak muscles. Strength/resistance training will help strengthen all your muscles and make your bones stronger so that your body can withstand more strain. 
 Muscle tissue contains more of the "fat burning" part of a cell called the mitochondria. Strength exercise increases muscle tissue mass and the number of mitochondria, which create energy in the body. The energy that is created in the body will increase the speed of your metabolism. (The definition of metabolism is all the processes that the cells of the body go through to change digested nutrients into cell material and energy. Metabolism occurs in the cells of our bodies.) Strength/resistance training can consist of weight machines and dumbells, and it can consist the resistance of your own body like pushups, pilates, and yoga.

FLEXIBILITY:"Flexibility" comes from the word "flex," which means to bend, like at the elbow or contract, like a muscle (get shorter in length.) Flexibility exercises improve the range of motion of joints and muscles.Stretching is one of the different types of exercise that improves flexibility. A good thing to remember when you are stretching is to contract the muscle you want to stretch before acually stretching it. Flexibility exercises naturally, improve your posture, your ability to breathe more deeply and naturally and it's one of the types of exercise that improves your circulation and alleviates the muscle tension that accompanies stress. (yoga is a perfect example)

STAMINA AND ENDURANCE/CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE:Cardiovascular exercise improves how well your body gets and uses oxygen by improving the ability of your lungs, heart and blood circulation to deliver it to all the cells in your body, which is required for your body to survive! It also improves your ability to engage in any physical activity for longer periods of time because of the improvement of the heart and lung capacities. This type of exercise if crutial to your bodies health because it allows you to enjoys daily life without getting out of breath or tired, and allows you to play more sports because of your endurance.

BALANCE: There isnt a specific exercise that increases your balance, however, most physical activity that you do will acually increase your balance. It is a significant part of your health because if you aren't balanced it can throw off some of your bodies systems! If one part of your body is stronger and the other one is weaker you posture wont be good, and when that happens your systems wont be able to distribute nutrients and cells, etc equally to all parts of the body. That doesnt sound good does it? When you do the right amount of each exercise and eat a healthy diet your body will be healthy!

Friday, September 16, 2011

heart disease

The most common type of heart disease in the United States is coronary artery disease, which can cause heart attack, angina, heart failure, and arrhythmias.
 Coronary artery disease occurs when a substance called plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart (called coronary arteries).The plague is made up of cholesterol, and when it builds up over time in causes the artieries to plug, this process is called atherosclerosis. Then the plaque causes angina and it will cause a lot of chest discomfort because the heart muscle isnt getting enough blood. When the heart isnt getting the right amount of blood it causes heart failure or an irregular heart beat(arrhythmias). Usually, the first sign of heart failure is a heart attack(when plaque completely blocks and artery) or when the plaque breaks in clots and blocks the coronary arteries.
To avoid having heart diseases there are 3 main things that you can do. First, eat a healthy diet that consists mostly of raw foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts, and a small amount of cooked meats. This will give your body the correct nutrients to keep itself healthy and on the right track. Another thing that you can do is exercise regularly. Physical activity helps your body burn un-needed fats, keep down your cholesterol, and maintain a healthy body weight. Plus, it makes you feel good which is a huge part of staying healthy. Something else that you can do is maintain a healthy body weight. If you are at a healthy weight that usually meens that your heart will not be under to much stress and your cholesterol is lower than if you were obese.
When you include those 3 ascpects into your life, the risk of having a heart disease is much less than if you were unhealthy, obese, and didnt exercise at all.


The percentage of children with a parent-reported ADHD diagnosis increased by 22% between 2003 and 2007. The government took a survey during those years on medication dosage: in 2003 the prescribed medication dosgae was moderate( on a little, moderate, and severe scale. In 2007 the medication dosage increased by 15% making it severe.At the end of the year 2007 they took a toll on what percentage of all kids in america acually took the medicine on a regular basis and 66.3% of 5.4 million children took it. ADHD is supposedly more prevelant with kids and teens ages 4-17, however, now we are seeing that ADHD is occuring in late teen years such as 15-18.
   I looked into what types of food these kids were eating between 2003 and 2007 and the results shocked me. Between 2003 and 2007 fast food ads for children and teens increased by 20.4%. And, as a result, children and teens started eating more of that food between those years. By the year 2007 kids were eating less micronutrients that we are supposed to. And studies have found then when kids don't eat a high micronutrient diet it causes high energy and obesity. and we can't figure out the cause of ADHD? 
I can say this with confidence: poor eating habits among children and teens is the cause of the rising ADHD disease throughout america.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Getting some good ideas for projects! like: An emergency kit garden for little kids that his different plants and herbs that will help bee stings, ant bites, scrapes, and sores! And a yoga class that is for low income families so that they can come and get rid of all the stress that comes with that territory. A exercise program for teens that come from families that dont have enough money for sports or to join a gym, to show them that all they need to stay fit is their own bodies.
 Plus i need to do a fundraiser to get money to go to New York to talk about what i am doing in the lab at a seminar, and to get to go to Paris to stay with my friend Salome to work on my french and be involved in that culture..... gonna need some big ideas to raise that much money.
    Hopefuly ill get all these going soon here... gotta start working on getting all of them going.
I had an idea to help me learn french! i have a friend in paris who came out this summer and stayed with us. my idea was that she could come out again and we could spend some more time here and then i would go and stay with her family for 3 weeks in paris to work on my french and get involved in their culture! i really hope it works out it will make me feel involved globally

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Vitamin D3 and Solar Power for Optimum Health, abook that is supposed to be a really good tool for information on diet and nutrition

Cool website

I found this cool website called        its supposed to have a lot of good info on diet and nutrition!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The innovation lab is a sweet program! just got done figuring out what six classes that i am gonna do! Excercise and Nutrition, French, Anatomy, Pathology, Spiritual Philosophy, and Healing arts around the world..... This is gonna be sweet. Im on my way to be a Naturopathic Doctor in the best way of education for me!

The Journey Begins

Its all about to start! Im going on my journey to finally be what i need to be. I cant explain how excited i am! Here goes the journey....